I put my essays into a book that you can order now. For free.

Mike Selinker
3 min readSep 29, 2020


If you’ve read my essays like “A Wargame Designer Defines Our Four Possible Civil Wars” over the last four years, you know I’ve used game theory to analyze Donald Trump’s actions and many other political issues. I decided to put them into a new 532-page edition of Game Theory in the Age of Chaos. For the next three weeks, you can pledge for it on Kickstarter and get a copy sent to you and one sent to a Democratic Senator or Representative.

Or you can get it for free, just by helping safeguard American democracy.

Here’s how that works. We put it up on Kickstarter and you can buy it for $25. If you’re inside the U.S., you can pledge $50 if you also want a copy to go to a Democratic or Independent congressperson or senator. If you’re outside the U.S., you can’t do that, because foreign interference in our elections is still illegal.

If you’re inside the U.S., you have an additional option. You can go to my company Lone Shark Games’s new voting action site, Shark.Vote, and play our Eggscellent Election Game. That lets you unlock eggsciting characters when you do critical election tasks like phonebanking, texting, and especially voting. If you unlock four or more characters, you can get the book for free (not including shipping).

There are a dozen eggs to unlock, and a lot of work to do to safeguard our election. We hope you’ll join us.

Oh, to make it even more compelling, we’ve added a digital album of socially relevant songs that I curated from some of my favorite musician friends. It’s called “Music to Doomscroll By.” You get this free with any book preorder.

I didn’t do this alone. Igot mathematician Richard Malena-Webber to write some serious game theory explanations of the concepts in my essay. I got Senator Steve Hobbs to write an uplifting foreword. It was edited and proofed by four dozen friends, and Liz Spain and Skylar Woodies made a cool cover. Shane Steed made us a website. And you can make it worth it.

Oh, you may remember my first political book, The Ghastlytrump Tinies.

You can read about that parody children’s book here. While we still have a few left, you can get Game Theory in the Age of Chaos AND The Ghastlytrump Tinies by adding $10 to your Kickstarter pledge. We don’t have a lot of those left, but we’re happy to get them to you if you order soon.

Thanks for reading, and please vote for Democrats in the next five weeks.

Live every election like it’s your last, because this time it might be.




Mike Selinker
Mike Selinker

Written by Mike Selinker

Game and puzzle designer, author, and amateur firebrand

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